Oldham QEH – 7 September
Venue Name & Address
Queen Elizabeth Hall, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1NL
Venue Parking
There is a free 3 hour car park next to the venue. Tickets must be displayed at all times. A valid ticket must be purchased after the 3 free hour period and also displayed. The machine accepts cash & card.
Venue Food & Drink Rules
Event attendees are permitted to bring their own packed lunches into the venue (no hot take-away food to be brought). We respectfully ask that all rubbish is disposed of in the bins provided and not left on the floor under the seats.
Venue Food & Drink Availability
The venue have a large selection of hot/cold drinks, hot food, snacks etc. Cash and cards accepted.
Seating Arrangements
Each dance school will be allocated a seating area within the event hall. We respectfully ask that seats are kept clear for people to sit on and not taken up with bags/clothing.
Entry Wristbands – advanced price via the dance school/teacher
Entry Wristbands – door price
(Please note that door sales will be subject to availability. Availability will be confirmed here one week before the event date).
Wristband Policy
⭐️ All participants & spectators require an entry wristband (except for pre-school aged children that are not participating).
⭐️ As far as our door staff are concerned, your wristbands are the only proof of purchase. Lost, forgotten or damaged wristbands will not be replaced so please make sure you have them with you otherwise there will be strictly no admittance to the event.
⭐️ Before approaching the venue entrance, please ensure that all attendees in your party have got their wristbands securely fastened and ready for inspection. For security reasons, please keep wristbands on for the duration of your visit.
⭐️ Refunds will not be issued for unused wristbands.
Arrival Information
⭐️ Doors will open at 8.45am for teachers and 9.00am for participants & spectators.
⭐️ Please enter the venue via the main venue entrance. The event hall is located on the first floor.
A Body of Persons Approval (BOPA) has been issued for this event by Oldham Council. Under BOPA conditions, the priority is to ensure the safety and well-being of all event participants, with particular attention to children up to school-leaving age. This should be considered a team effort between
- Event Organisers
- Event Staff
- Licensed Chaperones
- Dance School Teachers/Leaders
- Parents/Guardians/Responsible Adults
It would be much appreciated if all attendees could take note of the following information….
On arrival and departure, event participants are asked to inform their teacher/group lead so that they can record attendance times at the event.
Under BOPA conditions, it is a requirement that all participants up to school-leaving age are supervised by their parent/guardian at all times. Participants of this age will not be permitted to pass our door/security team without their parent/guardian accompanying them.
Should anyone require medical assistance at any time during their visit, a First Aid team will be available in the event hall. They will be located next to the stage.
Changing facilities will be available at the venue. Please ask a member of Cheerdance UK staff if you wish to use these. For safeguarding reasons, participants up to school-leaving age must be accompanied by their parent/guardian into the changing area. It is strictly prohibited to take photos/videos in this area. Changing is not permitted in public areas unless the participant is wearing a base layer i.e. leotard, sports crop top/shorts etc.
⭐️ Please ensure that costume, hair & make up choices are appropriate for the age of the participant.
⭐️ Please ensure that shoe laces are fastened and secured.
⭐️ Please remove or cover all jewellery.
⭐️ If short skirts are being worn, please ensure that shorts providing adequate coverage are worn underneath.
Participants are not permitted to eat food or chew gum during warm up or competition.
Please ensure that aisles & gangways are kept clear at all times. If participants are sitting on the side of the dance floor, please ensure that feet are kept tucked in.
As this is a private event for event participants and their family/friends, our organisation would like to be able to permit the use of cameras to capture these special memories. We would however like to bring your attention to the following:
⭐️ If you are intending to upload photos/videos of your participant to social media, it is recommended that you consider your privacy settings so that you limit your audience to close friends & family.
⭐️ Where possible try to focus the camera on your own participant. Please bear in mind that for safeguarding reasons or personal preference, some fellow participants might not want to appear on social media. Please consider this if uploading to online platforms. There are some great editing tools available to blur/crop images so that you can eliminate other participants that might appear.
⭐️ If anyone does have any concerns/objections to this or would like us to make adjustments for any particular event, please speak to your dance school lead who will communicate this with our events team.
One nominated person from the dance school performing their squad routine may video the routine from the front. It is strictly prohibited for anyone else in the venue to take a video recording. It is then at the teachers’ discretion where that recording gets shared. This is so that the teacher can decide who has access to their choreography and also for safeguarding reasons which are considered different to a solos/pairs type event. Still photographs are permitted but please consider the points highlighted in the solos/pairs sections above.
From time to time, our social media team may take photographs or short videos of the competitions for use on Cheerdance UK online platforms. Our team will avoid any ‘close up’ photos/videos of individual dancers, with the focus being on the full event space/larger groups of participants. If anyone does have any concerns/objections to this, please speak to your dance school lead who will communicate this with our events team.
On arrival, please familiarise yourself with the emergency exits in the venue.
Should the fire alarm sound, please proceed immediately to the nearest emergency exit. The assembly point will be in front of the building.
If you are a responsible adult accompanying an event participant, if safe to do so, please try to locate your dance school lead person at the assembly point to let them know that you have safely evacuated the building.
Click here to view our child protection/safeguarding policy
The Designated Safeguarding Lead for Cheerdance UK is Gemma Bynert.
Gemma will be in attendance for the duration of the event and will be based on the stage. Alternatively, you can email info@cheerdance.co.uk
Doors open to teachers – 8.45am
Doors open to participants/spectators – 9.00am
Section 1 – 7 Years & Under
• Set Solo Level 1
• Set Solo Level 2
• Set Solo Level 3
• Set Solo Level 4
• Set Solo Level 5
• Set Solo Level 1 & 2 Additional Needs
• Cheer Fusion Solo
• Pairs
Section 2 – 8 & 9 Years
• Set Solo Level 1
• Set Solo Level 2
• Set Solo Level 3
• Set Solo Level 4
• Set Solo Level 5
• Set Solo Level 1 & 2 Additional Needs
• Cheer Fusion Solo
• Pairs
• Option for parents to dance Set Solos Level 1-5 and Cheer Fusion Solo
Section 3 – 10 & 11 Years
• Set Solo Level 1
• Set Solo Level 2
• Set Solo Level 3
• Set Solo Level 4
• Set Solo Level 5
• Set Solo Level 1 & 2 Additional Needs
• Cheer Fusion Solo
• Pairs
Section 4 – 12 & 13 Years
• Set Solo Level 1
• Set Solo Level 2
• Set Solo Level 3
• Set Solo Level 4
• Set Solo Level 5
• Set Solo Level 1 & 2 Additional Needs
• Cheer Fusion Solo
• Pairs
• Option for parents to dance Set Solos Level 1-5 and Cheer Fusion Solo
Section 5 – 14 Years & Over
• Set Solo Level 1
• Set Solo Level 2
• Set Solo Level 3
• Set Solo Level 4
• Set Solo Level 5
• Set Solo Level 1 & 2 Additional Needs
• Cheer Fusion Solo
• Pairs
Event Choices/Limits
Mainstream competitors may enter a maximum of 3 events.
If entering 3 events, at least one of these must be a Cheer Fusion Solo or Pairs.
Parent competitors may enter a maximum of 3 events.
If entering 3 events, at least one of these must be a Cheer Fusion Solo.
Event Guidelines
Click here to view guidelines for SET ROUTINE SOLOS
Click here to view guidelines for CHEER FUSION SOLOS
Click here to view guidelines for PAIRS EVENTS
Event Times
Once the event entries have been received and processed, this page will be updated with the estimated times for each section. This information will be provided approximately one week before the event date.
Age Categories
Once the event entries have been received and processed, this page will be updated with the age categories for each of the solos & pairs events. This information will be provided approximately one week before the event date.
Within each section of the day, the running order will be as follows:
Warm Up/Practise Music for Solos
Set Solo Level 2 – First Rounds
Set Solo Level 4 – First Rounds
Set Solo Level 1 – First Rounds
Set Solo Level 3 – First Rounds
Set Solo Level 5 – First Rounds
Cheer Fusion Solo – First Rounds
Recall rounds of all Set Solos & Cheer Fusion Solos (in no particular order)
Finals rounds of all Set Solos & Cheer Fusion Solos (in no particular order)
The presentation of prizes will take place immediately after the final has taken place.
Warm Up/Practise Music for Pairs
Pairs events to completion including presentation of prizes.
Our merchandise stall will be situated in the hall selling a super range of Cheerdance UK merchandise. Feel free to come and take a look at what we have on offer. Cash and credit/debit cards accepted.
With the exception of reporting safeguarding concerns, we respectfully ask that dancers/parents direct all enquiries about the event to their dance teacher/school representative and respectfully ask that attendees do not contact us directly.